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Sella Plus

Sella Plus is a saddle with good support for horse and rider. It is currently the best-selling saddle in Scandinavia as it fits most horses.

Sella Plus is designed so the rider can be in close contact with the horse. It is a short mono-flap saddle and the knee rolls are placed on the outside and give good support. The design of the knee rolls and seat combine to help promote a correct position of the rider. The seat is medium deep.

  • Flexible saddle tree with changeable gullet

  • Quality leather (made of soft calf skin) with a good grip

  • Front riser effect that lifts the front of the saddle up and therefore achieves the same purpose as a riser pad

  • The shape of the panels of the saddle is designed for a wider surface for better weight distribution and comfort of the horse

  • The panels are with three layers of latex

Three versions of Sella are available

  • Sella Plus: as described above

  • Sella Mono-flap (original Sella): Panels with two-layer latex, no front rise effect

  • Sella Soft: As Sella mono-flap with 3 mm latex in the flaps and seat for comfort

Available in size 16”, 16,5″, 17″ and 17,5″,

The contact surface of a 17″ Sella Plus is: 44 cm.

Available with wool filling.



